Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"My First Print"

1.) Is anything in sharp focus?
         yes the girl reading is in sharp focus compared to everything else in the background which is kind of
a.) Describe what is in focus and what is not.
         the subject of the picture is in focus. which is the girl reading the book whats not in focus is all the  students in the background
b.) If not in focus, state the cause.
         this stuff is not in focus because its not really important in the photo it makes the subject wich is the girl
         stand out more.
2.) Is there good contrast? (Look for the blacks and whites in the photo)?
           not so much i think there could be a little more contrast in the picture
a.) If no, state the probable cause?
        i dont really know why there isnt that much contrast but i would like to know how i could try and make the contrast better
3.) Are all the rules followed? (Is the photo candid? Does the subject fill the frame? Does the photo contain action? Does it follow composition rules? Does it show "academics"?)'
      yes the photo does definitely show academics. , the photo follows the rule of thirds as well it also has some repetition because of the rows of desks, the action contained is of the girl reading , and there are not any distracting mergers
a.) If yes, explain what techniques were used and how you followed them in your photo.
         rule of thirds were used and repetition was used

4.) Is there yellowing or are there spots on the print? 
           there is one little teeny tiny white spot on it
a.) If yes, what caused it/them?
 i have no idea

5.) Are there print rings or spots?
a.) If yes, state the probable cause.
6.) Are your negatives, contact sheet, test strip and print stored in your folder?
       yes they are


Who is in the photo? (For this assignment only, if you don't know, you may make up a name. For the next photo shoot, your subject MUST have the correct name.)
Amy Middleton is her name
What are they doing?
they are reading a book
Where are they?
in english class with mr ashlock
When is this happening?
during eighth period
Why are they doing this?
because they were assigned to
Let's write a caption:

1st sentence

Subject -- action verb (present tense) -- object -- how -- why -- when -- where.
  Amy Middleton is reading a book quietly for an assignment in English class during eighth period

2nd sentence

Subject -- verb (past tense) -- object (describes background [context] of the situation shown in picture.)
Amy Middleton was reading a book called lord of the flies in Mr ash locks eighth period pre AP English class while the other students are looking up at the teacher.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


1. From looking at your negatives, how many of your photos do you think turned out well?
well i like actually about three or four of them, im pretty sure those will turn out well.
2. How many of your photos appear like they will not turn out well? Why do you think these photos did not turn out (Ex: Over/under exposed, not focused, bad composition)?
hmmm well im pretty sure like the other seven or eight didnt come out that good because, a few of them arent really focused and others dont really follow any of the composition rules they kind of just random average pictures that i took.
3. Select the negative image that you think will turn out the best when it is printed. Why do you think this photo will turn out well? i think the image with the white girl in the class in going to turn out the best because it uses reppetion becasue of the desks and it also follows the rule of thirds. Another thing is it goes with the topics really well :)

4. What technical aspects of photography (focus, exposure, composition) do you think are present in your best negative? What evidence can you provide from the appearance of the negative to support your answer?
the photograph i choose has good focus for sure because, nothing is blurry and everything is in focus!!! the compostion is also good it follows the rule of thirds and has repetition which enhances the quality of the photo
5. What advanced composition techniques (Ex: rule of thirds, leading lines) that you have learned in class are present in your favorite negative?, Rule of thirds , and repetition

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Photo Manipulation and Ethics.

A. Summarize the main points of the story in 1-4 sentences.
The main points of the story are to tell the reader how manipulating and altering a photo can have consequences and reprocutions like losing your JOB getting fired, all because you were just trying to make the picture better, the article gives an example of many instances where this has happened starting on the first day in april! april fools seems to be a reoccurring pattern where these photographers are being put out of a job for altering these photographs. The article also explains to the reader how it is a major risk in altering these images because they always must present "Honest images" , so their advice would be not to lie. With programs like photo shop and other things that can manipulate a photo it is hard for readers of a newspaper or something to believe something is a real photo.
B. Explain why you think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable. I think that photo editing is acceptable only in some situations and it is unethical in certain situations, like for example a tabloid, this would be wrong and unethical representation and altering of a photograph because these photographs are not true like they can make someone who is not fat look fat and embarrass them which is not right. instances where it is acceptable is when there is something accidentally is captured in the photograph and you wanna take it out for the picture to look better, or to prove the picture composition.


why? i think this is unethical and unecassary because they are basically making
fun of the womans teeth saying they need to be fixed by altering them to make
them look like something there not i dont believe that is right, that woman was
probably offended by this photograph, and most of all its not HONEST.


this photo is the least unethical because it serves the right purpose, to make the photograph
look better, this photgraph doesnt hurt anyones feelings its not of people its of nature and when
dealing with things that are not people you have much less to worry about when altering a picture
you dont have to worry about offending anyone or getting in trouble really. Also the mountains that were
moved closer together arent really described as an exact location so it doesn't falsify anything.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Making a Black and white print

equipment.: processing trays, an enlarger a repeatable enlarger timer, a paper cutter, a paper safe, enlarging lenses, a safe light and a way to hang up the prints to dry.

 Chemicals needed: there are four main chemicals needed stop bath fixer developer,  you must use these chemicals to eventually develop a contact sheet, you would get these chemicals from your local photography store :) or from you schools darkroom :) hahahhahahah

The process:  The negatives need to be laid out on photo paper and exposed to light, once this is developed you will have your contact sheet the exposed paper should then be placed in developer and left for one minute the you stop it with a stop bath doing this for thirty seconds. then put in fixer for two min. after you must wash print in water for five to ten minutes then you hang the contact sheet to dry the yo make the print pick which one you want to enlarge and put it in the negative carrier
insert into the slot below the light source determine the size and exposure time, the insert photo paper into an easel turn on light and timer and theirs your print

drug cartels in mexico

I think the topic of this article is very interesting. I have seen and learned about many problems with drug cartels in Mexico in my criminal justice classes.  This is a very violent and interesting subject. There are many crimes committed not just with the drugs but murders and torturing. Many people are being murdered and killed everyday leading up to numbers in the thousands therefore the mexican government declared war on the cartels. The man in the article is a photographer and describes how he must be careful while taking pictures he has to take special precautions when he takes pictures of the police officer, he also must  hide his identity and wear a ski mask. The article describes how careful and worried you have to be in Juarez Mexico."Under a blanket in the trunk is a body. Hands tied together. A bullet in the head." this quote stood out the most to me because it triggers kind of an emotional response from the reader. it always captures my interest whenever i see something about a dead body.

After i watch the video

This is my favorite picture in the video, its also the photographers favortite, he says that it tells the story  and
meaning of Juarez. How said and unsafe the town in. What this photograph is a young girl with a single tear rolling down her cheek i agree with his analysis of this photo