Thursday, November 11, 2010

Photo Manipulation and Ethics.

A. Summarize the main points of the story in 1-4 sentences.
The main points of the story are to tell the reader how manipulating and altering a photo can have consequences and reprocutions like losing your JOB getting fired, all because you were just trying to make the picture better, the article gives an example of many instances where this has happened starting on the first day in april! april fools seems to be a reoccurring pattern where these photographers are being put out of a job for altering these photographs. The article also explains to the reader how it is a major risk in altering these images because they always must present "Honest images" , so their advice would be not to lie. With programs like photo shop and other things that can manipulate a photo it is hard for readers of a newspaper or something to believe something is a real photo.
B. Explain why you think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable. I think that photo editing is acceptable only in some situations and it is unethical in certain situations, like for example a tabloid, this would be wrong and unethical representation and altering of a photograph because these photographs are not true like they can make someone who is not fat look fat and embarrass them which is not right. instances where it is acceptable is when there is something accidentally is captured in the photograph and you wanna take it out for the picture to look better, or to prove the picture composition.


why? i think this is unethical and unecassary because they are basically making
fun of the womans teeth saying they need to be fixed by altering them to make
them look like something there not i dont believe that is right, that woman was
probably offended by this photograph, and most of all its not HONEST.


this photo is the least unethical because it serves the right purpose, to make the photograph
look better, this photgraph doesnt hurt anyones feelings its not of people its of nature and when
dealing with things that are not people you have much less to worry about when altering a picture
you dont have to worry about offending anyone or getting in trouble really. Also the mountains that were
moved closer together arent really described as an exact location so it doesn't falsify anything.

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