Monday, December 6, 2010

Choice Sheets

On your blog today I would like you to tell me which publication you think you might join next year and what aspects of that publication influenced your decision. Write at least a paragraph.

Second: I would like you to go to the following websites and look at various publications from around the United States. Pick one yearbook spread that you think is cool looking and link it on your blog and pick one on-line newspaper that you think looks cool and link it on your blog.

The publication that i think i would like to join next year would be yearbook, because i like to take pictures, and i think i have a very creative eye for things and pay attention to detail and try to be as much of a perfectionist as possible and that is a good skill to have for yearbook i think. The aspects that influenced my decision were that well first because it is the yearbook and it would be a big contribution to the class of 2012 for next year and also i think that it would be an opportunity to become more involved in school and attend more events.
 my favorite yearbook spread!!!

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