Wednesday, April 13, 2011

practicing captions

caption rules
First sentence, includes major information, including who what where when why and how.
-should be in present tense, as if the action is still happening
second sentence, should be in past tense , information that you cannot get by looking at the photo.
if there are 3 people or less,  you must identify all three of them by name

senior Courtney Jackson is at the biggest football game of the year, homecoming at Akins high school. she is excited that our team is winning for the first time in 10 years!

Varsity basketball player, brandon watson, sets up in perfect position in order to make this freethrow. Brandon makes  the basket and the akins crowd went crazy.
leading l

Big guy shows his  feminine side, in art class while he colors a picture of flowers for his mother whom helped him pick his outfit for the day. His mother loved it so much and put it on the refrigerator.
leading lines

bravely a student in Mr.moodys class, jumps out of there comfort zone in order to hold this unique looking creature called and owl. Afterwards the student was so proud and overcame his fear of birds 
rule of thirds 
leading lines, the leash and the hand going out to the birds                                                                                                                                                               

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