Monday, October 25, 2010

Iraq slide shpw

2A i think this is the most powerful image because he is saying his final goodbyes before he goes and starts in the U.S army as you can see the car in the background is there to come and take him away from his family and all that he knows and all that he is used to. He is about to start a completly different life inside of the army!! It is both sad and powerful at the same time.

2B The sequence of all the photographs that are the most powerful are the ones labeled "first assignment" I think that it is the most powerful because the sideshow of the pictures have a mix of sad pictures and how much of a struggle it is but also the good and happy times. When i first saw the title i though it was gonna be a bunch of pictures of fighting and people crying and stuff but i was different.

2C The images work together to tell a story because they are all in chronological order. The pictures show the guy from the beginning of his army life to the end. It shows his emotions from the beginning to the end and it all makes sense because any normal person can probably feel those emotions and relate.

3A The verbs are usually used from his point of view, and are in past tense.
3B. The captions enhance the pictures because they are talking about what is actually happening in the picture. And they also tell you the actual date that they were taken

       Ian rests all alone after a hard days work out in the hot sun.
       Ian playfully points the gun at the ground while everyone else is being serious and holding their gun   correctly.
      Ian is scared, he has gotten in trouble and must hear the wrath of the sargent who is currently yelling at him.

5A The videos show the same thing as the pictures but it is better because the people as well as him are all telling us how they feel about the situation and he his basically acting as a narrator
5B The videos are better than the pictures because now i have a clear interpretation of the pictures and i can better understand what they mean in a sense that what i thought the pics ment could be corrected with watching the videos
5C The picture can act as better than the video because it has captions and if you want a quicker way of reading the story then you can just read the captions and understand whats going on versus a pic with no captions which then leaves you there just to guess

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