Friday, October 29, 2010

Processing black and white photos

1.) List the materials (equipment) necessary to process black and white film
        film cassette, can opener, film reel, tank and tank cover. A fixing tank and a wash tank a film developer , a stop bath, and a fixer with hardener, and a hypo eliminator bath.  
2.) List the chemicals we might be using in the darkroom and where one would buy those chemicals
     kodak rapid fixer is recommended a devoloper additive that yo should have is sodium sulfite
3.) Summarize in one or two paragraphs the process from start to finish
  well, first you must unwind the film, and have that handy. You then must put the film in some container and then turn on a certain light. Now you have to process your film Lay out the chemicals in front of you: a film developer, a stop bath, and a fixer with hardener, and a hypo eliminator bath.   make sure everything is at the right temperature in order to get the best negative possible. Now you must pour developer onto the the film so that you can develop it. leave it in their for the appropriate time. No you must put running water on it so that you can stop development this is known as a stop bath. After this is done you then must fix the film so that you can see you photgraph after you fix the film you must let it sit in cold water for five minutes then you must remove appearance of white stains by using hyper-o eliminater. then you have a final wash, hang the film, and let it dry!
4.) Post a photo of the equipment necessary to process film

4.) Post a photo of the chemicals necessary to process film
1. Contact sheet
A contact print is a photographic image produced from a film, usually a negative, occasionally from a film positive. ...
2. Agitation
The air bubbles that usually occur when dry film is immersed in a solution can be removed without harmful  effects in the pre development water rinse
3. Enlarger
photographic equipment consisting of an optical projector used to enlarge a photograph
4. Developer
The chemical agent used to render photographic images after exposure to light.
5. Stop Bath
Stop bath is a chemical bath usually used in processing traditional black-and-white photographic films, plates, and paper used after the material has finished developing
6. Fixer
  chemical compound that sets or fixes something (as a dye or a photographic image)

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