Thursday, May 5, 2011

architecture preview assignment

patterns: this demonstrates patterns because there is a series of repetition in the ceiling on the walls, on the ground and the stairs.

45 Stunning HDR Images for Architecture Around the World
light: this picture demonstrates lighting because it looks like it was taken just as the sun was setting. the front of the building as well as the ground, and the clouds look really cool too like if light was seeping through them.
detail: this would demonstrate detail because it is a closeup of the corner of the building.!

45 Stunning HDR Images for Architecture Around the World
angles and shapes: this demonstrates angles and shapes, because in this photo there are alot of cool shapes it looks as if the building was just composed of just a bunch of cool shapes thrown together.
45 Stunning HDR Images for Architecture Around the World
surroundin: this demonstrates surrounding because there is graffiti on the building and it looks a little deserted , the surrounding grass is all patchy with dirt and it looks even more ragged so it seems as if everything fits together to make one abandoned building, 

Action shoot final

On a cloudy day at akins high school A Hot red car travels down Old San antonio road,past Akins high school in order to arrive at his destination, the movies to go see Fast five. The driver gets there safely and says the movie is great !

Junior cierra Savedra stands on one leg as she attempts to make the ball travel into the basketball goal. The ball falls atop the net and gets stuck, she has to have somone taller go and retrieve it for her.

Junior  Cierra Savedra, attempts to play basketball. while using a ball that is almost the same size as  her, before she shoots she dribbles. She finally shot the ball and it was no where near the goal.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Architecture preview

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Javier Senosiain
2. When was it built? July 16 2007
3. Where is it located? Mexico city
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? it is someones home. a couple with children live here
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? no
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? they wanted a house to resemble a shell of like a snail
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
 i picked this building because i really liked all the pictures it had the outside was beautiful and i think it was really cool, i would like to go visit this house, when i saw the pictures of the inside it reminded me of charlie and the  chocolate factory, all the colors reminded me of some kind of candy land.

Nautilus House in Mexico City 400x 285x 1

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?French architect Paul Andreu
2. When was it built?Construction started in December 2001 and the inaugural concert was held in December 2007.
3. Where is it located? bejing china
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? you can visit it!! it is an events center for china , where they hold their performing arts and olympics and what not
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? The initial planned cost of the theatre was 2.688 billion Renminbi.[4] When the construction had completed, the total cost rose to more than ¥ 3.2 billion CNY.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? yes for National Centre for the Performing Arts
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
 i picked this building because it looked really cool, it amazed me and i had to look twice because i didnt know that it was on water at first! it looks kind of dangerous to get there to the entrance or like if something in the water were to happen the place could flood, so i dont think on the water was the best place to put it.


1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)

Writing a news lead

Identify the 5 W's and H in the articles.
Identify the lead.
Re-write the lead using your own words.

 the rosenburgs
LEADThey were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.

5 W's and H 
who:  most popular orphans of the cold war, julius and ethel rosenburg
what: confessed that their father was a spy., they cocluded that their parents were framed to feed the cold war hysteria and compensate for americas counterespionage lapses.
when : during the cold war time period 1950's 
where: russia, united states.
why : they had to, they would be in trouble if they didnt confess.
how: Ethel rosenburg was arrested in august 1950 and the boys were passed
off from shelter to shelter 

RE LEAD Julius and ethel two of the most famous orphans of the cold war expierenced a tragedy when their parents were exectud in russia. 
 unrestored superman comic
LEAD after being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback -- to the tune of about $400,000, a comic expert told CNN Thursday.
 who : bidders and the man selling the comic book(fishler)
what : comic book is unrestored it is in its original version, it is worth alot of money, and will be placed in an auction for people to bid on it , some say it could go for as much as 3/ 4 a million dollars :)
when :february 27 2009 is when the article was published but there is a story line dating back to 1938 in which the magazine was sold for only 10 cents
where : the west coast
why : fishler is selling the book because it is bound to make lots of money, it should make lots of money because it is an  unrestored comic!

 RE LEAD: Superman comic comes back to life after its existance had been kept a secret for years, a future auction will determine how much this original one of kind comic is worth.

Friday, April 15, 2011

caption 4/15

Freshman Ian Loyd furiously knees his pet goat Dexter in the ass Friday morning while at a FFA feeding. He was then kicked out of the FFA club for animal cruelty.

well the mergers weren't really avoided it looks like there is a leg coming out of the animals butt
rule of thirds

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

practicing captions

caption rules
First sentence, includes major information, including who what where when why and how.
-should be in present tense, as if the action is still happening
second sentence, should be in past tense , information that you cannot get by looking at the photo.
if there are 3 people or less,  you must identify all three of them by name

senior Courtney Jackson is at the biggest football game of the year, homecoming at Akins high school. she is excited that our team is winning for the first time in 10 years!

Varsity basketball player, brandon watson, sets up in perfect position in order to make this freethrow. Brandon makes  the basket and the akins crowd went crazy.
leading l

Big guy shows his  feminine side, in art class while he colors a picture of flowers for his mother whom helped him pick his outfit for the day. His mother loved it so much and put it on the refrigerator.
leading lines

bravely a student in Mr.moodys class, jumps out of there comfort zone in order to hold this unique looking creature called and owl. Afterwards the student was so proud and overcame his fear of birds 
rule of thirds 
leading lines, the leash and the hand going out to the birds                                                                                                                                                               

Monday, April 11, 2011

photo prompt

black and white africa blog

Reaction:  I thought this photo shoot was really cool, it showed alot of different types of animals found in africa and it displayed them like if they were people almost like they were saying something to you or showing a kind of emotion.

Zebra: the picture of the two zebras looking back was my favorite because i like zebras a lot they kind of remind me a little of myself i also like the one of the rhino looking in the water, it resembles a mirror

He uses a Pentax 67II with only two fixed lenses
he photographs exclusively in Africa, one of his goals being to record a visually poetic last testament to the wild animals and places there before they are gone at the hands of man.

"You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Elements of news

• Proximity: This has to do with location. If the event is happening close by, it will impact your readers more than if it is happening across town, or across the world, all other considerations being equal. A dance at your school, for instance, is more newsworthy than a dance at another school.
• Prominence: This has to do with how well known the people involved in your story are. If the person or persons are well known to your readers, the story will impact your readers more than a similar story involving people they do not know.,,20479127,00.html
Timeliness: If something is happening NOW, it has more impact than something that happened yesterday or last week. Often, the most recent development is the feature of the story.
Oddity: If something is unusual, the oddity alone can make it newsworthy, because people want to know why it has happened.,,20479330,00.html
• Consequence: If the impact of an event on your readers is major, they want to know all about it. For instance, they might not care that a particular street is being shut down for repairs, until it is brought to their attention that this will reroute the major portion of the traffic into their residential areas. This will affect them in a significant way, and they will want to know about it.

• Conflict: Readers have an interest in disagreements, arguments, fights and rivalries. If an event has conflict attached to it, many readers will be interested on that basis alone. Stories that involve conflict are those about sports, trials, war, politics and even Congressional debates.

• Human interest: If a situation makes you angry, sad, happy or overjoyed, it contains the news element of human interest. Some stories are newsworthy on this basis alone.

warmup 5W's

who: barak Obama and biden
what: new campaign beginning with "us"
when: april 14th

why:he will need to fundraise money for his reelection
how:by having conference calls with their top donors and supporters and working on getting them re-engaged in the reelection

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Student of the month interview part II alexis' response

·  how does it feel to be the student of the month?
            It feels great I think that it is an accomplishment
·  did you do any sucking up to become student of the month?
            I did actually all I have to say is “teachers like cookies”
·  How are your grades?
            Exceptional mostly a’s but there are some b’s
·  do you think grades had anything to do with the decision/
            yes of course because grades are very important in determining a good student
·  why do you think you were chosen as student of the month
            I demonstrated all of the qualitites of a good student
·  do you feel like you above everyone else?
            Yeah for the month because they picked me over everyone else
·  do you think your parents will be proud of you
            yes very proud this is what we all live for
·  do you think you deserve student of the month
            yes, I know I deserve student of the month it’s an obvious descision
·  what do you feel about your competition. 
            Pshhh…..there was no competition
·  are you going to be a proud correspondent of that title ?
            yes, because it is a big accomplishment
·  are you more popular because you are student of the month?
            Omg yes random guys and girls come up to me in the hallway I feel like im a celebrity
·  Do you think you will set a good example for your fellow classmates
            yes I know so
·  do you think you will get student of the month next month
            yes because none of these other students have a chance with me
·  now do you think your teachers will expect more from you
            no theres nothing more to expect I do my best everyday
·  is being named student of the month any kind of accomplishment?
            Oh yeah my life depends on it
·  has anyone called you a nerd
            yeah but that is nothing special I know their just hating
·  do you have a lot of haters now. 
            Ive always had a lot of haters this is nothing new
·  Do you wish that you wouldn’t have won
            no of course not
·  what’s your favorite thing about it 
            I was better respected by my teachers and classmates
·  what is your least favorite thing about it?
            I liked everything about it

Monday, March 28, 2011

Student of the month!

20 questions
  1. how does it feel to be the student of the month?
  2. did you do any sucking up to become student of the month?
  3. How are your grades?
  4. do you think grades had anything to do with the descision/
  5. why do you think you were chosen as student of the month
  6. do you feel like you above everyone else?
  7. do you think your parents will be proud of you
  8. do you think you deserve student of the month
  9. what do you feel about your competition. 
  10. are you gonna be a proud correspondant of that title
  11. are you more popular because you are student of the month?
  12. Do you think you will set a good example for your fellow classmates
  13. do you think you will get student of the month next month
  14. now do you think your teachers will expect more from you
  15. is being named student of the month any kind of accomplishment?
  16. has anyone called you a nerd
  17. do you have a lot of haters now. 
  18. Do you wish that you wouldnt have won
  19. whats your favorite thing about it 
  20. what is your least favorite thing about it?

Interviewing Skills

Topic: School Uniforms

The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms. Who would you need to interview to find out more information about this topic? What are some good questions to ask? (This is theoretical) I would need to interview the school board? One great question to ask would be WHY?????. another would be how is this benificial to the students. what is there thinking behing t.

1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.
     Students ( cierra) ,Parents( her mama), School board(bob)
2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each.
1) how do you feel about the uniforms?
2) do you think that you guys should have to wear them
3) do you think it takes away from any rights

4) how do you think the students will reacts
5) what is the best layout of the uniform
6) do you think this is necessary
7) why is it necessary or why is it not necessary
8) how long is this policy going to last

Thursday, March 24, 2011

sports action more details

Name of photographer - alyssa shuckar 2006
General focus of portfolio (photo j, sports, stories, etc.)- story of a girl with an eating disorder
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio - the photogrpher didnt really capture the emotional aspect of her disorder, and they said each picture is a little similar distance wise.not enough strong snaps
List two things the judges like-they liked the picture of the Haiti man sweeping, and the girl who fell
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
i thought it was kinda scattered like they pictures didnt really relate.

Name of photographer - Travis Haughton
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- it was a story about a young boy with some kind of disorder and he would show how he was just like the other kids
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio - elements like that are sticking out of certain subjects looking akward, also missing things that would make the picture better
List two things the judges like- they liked the sports pictures of the coach and of the baseball player
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like? yeah i liked it

Name of photographer -Jordan Murph_
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)-His main focus is sports, although, he puts a few random pictures in the portfolio. Plus, he has a photo story, but most of the photos are weak.
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio -They didn't like the random picture if the wave. well, they liked it, but it just didn't go with the subject he was  presenting.
They also didn't like how he had a picture of a man with his eyes closed. they were worried, bc he satrted off doing so well, and he just started slacking off.They didn't like the end photos very well at all. There is one where he too a picture of a signed CD. that , they didn't like.
List two things the judges like- They liked the beginning photos. They really like the first one with the volleyball player.they like the composition in some of the photos.
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like? i liked it

Name of photographer - Dustin Snipes
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)-His main focus was sports, and there was no photo shoot, just shots he took.
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio - They said that the photo of the baseball player's face that is framed by something was maybe a little too much Photo shopped.The photo of the swimmers (the first one), they said it was fine, but the top swimmer that was blurred made the photo weaker.The second photo of the swimmers, they said it was chaos, but they liked it.
List two things the judges like-They liked the photo of the man smiling with the bow tie.
They also like the photo of the football players stretching.

What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it?
they liked all of his pictures they especially liked how the photographer was right there in the mix of everything
What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses? oh there were a lot of strengths he really knew his composition rules because i could point out some really good framing and repletion

Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.
they went through if the pictures ment something, or if they were randomly put in there  they wanted the stories in the portfolios to be good and they weren't.


1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it. I like it but the last picture was kinda weird but i do agree with the judges
2. Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong. Well the last ones that they liked that i did not is not something i like and the bottom shot was wierd i dont know maybe if it was higher up

Touching Strangers

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay?
- i think that it is cool, it is interesting to see how people react to this project. its a cool idea and its also kinda funny the different strangers and how they decided to pose for the picture.
2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger?
if someone approached me and asked me i would probably say yeah, i would wanna know what the purpose was and what they were going to do with the pictures but yeah i would do it.
3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.
 i think a photo shoot that would be fun to shoot would be of like animals doing crazy things or wearing funny clothes or doing things that people would do.
4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, did the photographer think about the rules of photography that you know about? What types of photos did he take
Yes i think that photography came out really good, he paid attention to how the people were posing and he got the best shot out of it 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

japanese earthquake

when i see this picture the first thing that comes to mind is when my dryer caught on fire and i noticed it if not our house could have burned down and my family would have been devastated and struggling 
This picture make me say dang that sucks and makes me glad that i dont live that close to a body of water

when i see this picture i think of how much i would hate to have my car damaged and for something out of the blue like a hurricane that really sucks.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

advertising blog

The Creative AT&T Advertisementsi like this picture the most becaue you cant really tell whether they are hands because it looks really cool , me personally i wouldnt buy the phone just becaue of the ads because i dont like at and t i would rather go with sprint because i already have sprint a pretty ad doesnt make me want the product cuz im not stupid i would have to look into it first.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

magazine NOTES

cover types
1. early magazine covers--No photo hard to reproduce lots of color very simple not a whole lot going on.
2. the poster cover--a big picture, small words and one set of headlines(describes specifically that photo) does not have a bar code. includes a date. one photo, small byline!! has to be a really good picture or else its not very appealing to consumers.
3. pictures to married to type--less words, less color, the text is involved into the photo.not as many entry points.
4. in the forest of words--simple background. lots of words. colorful words different fonts! different sizes all over! could be distracting and sometimes you dont get to see the full photograph.

Stuff that should be on my magazine cover:
maybe words
main subject
dateline( issue)

Monday, January 24, 2011


List the numbers of every cover that features a PORTRAIT.

10, enviromental
32, FAVORITE, formal 
Vogue magazine 
Photographer Irving Penn captures Nicole Kidmans back profile dressed in a Christian Lacroix oyster satin backless dress for this cover of the May 2004 issue of Vogue. This was the first cover shoot for Vogue by Penn since 1989. The issue contains more photographs of Kidman dressed as a Grecian goddess, an Italian diva and as legendary actress Sarah Bernhardt.


Write a 50-100 word critique of the portrait on the cover.
- this picture is reallly good i like that it is taken from behind it is not your classic original front facing 
portrait it is very classy and elegant this picture portrays the girl in it in a positive way. it has a simple background wich makes the subject stand out i like that its a dark backround, you would think that since the dress is dark then it would blend but it doesnt the photographer did a good job with the lighting,

Mention what is communicated about the people in the portrait and how this is communicated.
what is communicated through the picture is that she is a fashion model, she is very pretty and it is apparent she is posing as someone it makes her look really pretty and classy

Magazine covers PART ONE

First: Make sure you completely done with the following:
a.) Have you taken Happy, Akins, Building? NOOOO
b.) Have you completed the assignment called Welcome Back? yesss
c.) Have you done the blog called Portrait/Self-Portrait tips and ideas?  yesss
d.) Have you taken Portrait/Self-Portrait photos with my camera or yours and turned in the film? If yes - move on to the next assignment. If no - come get a camera from me and go shoot TODAY

5 things: make sure the picture has some emotional appeal
             its interesting and intellectually stimulating
             never trim a print make sure you mount it beautifully the way you want it
             Make sure the subject in the cover pops out from the background
             Appeal to the audience!

welcome back

welcome back

This picture is reallly interesting i think its cool cuz its like right up close to a hurricane like it looks dangerous or like like it has a really good zoom on the camera! i like it alot

This is a really good picture of 2010  because it kinda illustrates the night life
and is really cool too look at i like all the pretty lights and the tall buildings

This picture is like awesome this guy looks like he is doing the impossible
like if he is walking on water its really cool!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Portrait and Self Portrait Tips and Ideas

 Use a tripod. Seriously. While it’s possible to get good photos while you’re hanging on to your camera at arms-length, it’s a lot easier if you’ve got the freedom to move around a bit.

A mirror or some other reflective surface offers an even easier way to take a self-portrait. In most cases, the camera will be included in the scene (but this can help make a statement about your enthusiasm for photography). You can use your camera as a prop, and hold it away from your face.

Photographing your shadow is another way to do a self-portrait. Shoot early or late, when the sun is low in the sky.

 i really like this picture because its simple black and white but it also shows her happy doing something she likes, also the picture uses a mirror to make it look really cool i like that too

I really like this picture because it is very colorful and gives alot of emotion, i can tell that the subjects are happy and like what they do also which is make cupcakes.

I like this picture because it looks really cool, it has a shadow and the colors really pop it looks cool

i like this picture because its also really cool its not really her but it  could  be her its like an allusion, her hand blends in with the paper

i like this one because it is different from all the others because on the other ones is like everyone is just smiling and is the same this one is just kind of random

My Plan: take a self portrait of me outside