Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final Exam Study Guide

 `1. Explain how to get to the server drives and your folder.
 you click on that thing that looks like a piece of paper
2. Explain how we use in this class
 we use blogger to do my daily assignments which are blogs
3. Explain the process of creating a pinhole camera
     well you get a oatmeal can, you cut a square make a flap poke a hole then cover in all in black
4. Explain how the pinhole camera works and how the image is transferred to the paper inside
     when you open the flap light is let in and transferred onto the paper
5. Know how to define and explain the 10 rules of composition, these 10 rules will be a MAJOR portion of the final and you better know how to recognize these rules, explain these rules and show me you understand them:
5a.  Rule of thirds his is where you determine where you want the subject of the picture to be positioned.
5b. Balancing Elements Good balance is simply the arrangement of shapes, colors, or areas of light and dark that complement one another so that the photograph looks well-balanced.
5c. Leading Lines The lines will make the subject of the picture stand out or they will lead toward the subject
5d. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition) a pattern is
5e. Viewpoint photographing from high above, down at ground level, from the side, from the back, from a long way away, from very close up, and so on.
5f. Background/simplicity Something in the foreground that doesn't distract or detract from the subject.
5g. Framings used to improve the photographic composition. Framing, frames the center of interest with nothing in the foreground.
5h. Cropping- focusing on a certain object in the picture that might be better than the actual subject
5i. Mergers and avoiding them- there shouldn't be anything sticking out of anyone head or anything that makes the picture look distorted
6. Explain how action and emotion impact a photograph Action and emotion tell a story about the photo  like if a person is jumping and smiling you can tell that they are happy
7. Explain how a photo can "tell a story" A photo can tell a story because of certain things you see in the images you might be able to relate to a facial expression or an action you see and be able to tell yourself a story
8. Explain what the word "multimedia" means and share some examples of how we have seen them in class (on the blog) multimedia means many media and its like pictures and video and stuff
9. Know how to correctly write a caption. I HIGHLY suggest you rewrite the rules on your blog and find at least 2 photos on the Internet, post them on your blog and write correct captions for them. This will be a MAJOR portion of the exam as well.
10. Explain how "strong action" verbs enhance a caption
11. Explain how ethics come into play in regards to photojournalism and compare and contrast this with fashion photography. You really need to get the idea that changing photos to fit a need or to make something look like something else is VERY unacceptable in photojournalism.
12. Explain the difference between a portrait and a self portrait. a portrait is a picture that you take of someone else and a self portrait is a picture that someone takes of you
13. Explain what characteristics of a good portrait are. long focal lengths and wide aperture
14. Explain what the major differences are between newspaper and yearbook.

Definitions you are responsible for (I highly recommend you post these on your blog with the definitions and make sure they are correct, many of the ones you posted on your blog previously were INCORRECT. All definitions need to relate directly to photojournalism. Example: many of you defined burning as "pain that feels hot as if it were on fire" , when the correct answer is "burning- increases the exposure to areas of the print that should be darker."):

1. Aperture controls amount of light admitted to make it darker or lighter like you eye
2. Shutter a mechanical device on a camera that opens and closes to control the time of a photographic exposure
3. Exposure the total amount of light allowed to fall on the photographic medium during the process of taking a photograph
4. F-stop measurement of light able to pass through the photographic lens
5. Single lens reflex  uses a semi-automatic moving mirror system
6. Negative total inversion of a positive image, in which light areas appear dark or the other way around
7. Positive actual color of the image
8. Contact sheet photographic image produced from a film like a display of all your pics
9. Agitation - to shake move around
10. Enlarger an optical projector used to enlarge a photograph
11. Stop bath acid bath used to stop the action of a developer
12. Fixer chemical compound that sets or fixes photographs
13. Safe light light source suitable for use in a photographic darkroom.
14. Burning increases the exposure to areas of the print that should be darker
15. Dodging. decreases the exposure for areas of the print that the photographer wishes to be lighter

Monday, December 6, 2010

nilFavorite self portrait 

Choice Sheets

On your blog today I would like you to tell me which publication you think you might join next year and what aspects of that publication influenced your decision. Write at least a paragraph.

Second: I would like you to go to the following websites and look at various publications from around the United States. Pick one yearbook spread that you think is cool looking and link it on your blog and pick one on-line newspaper that you think looks cool and link it on your blog.

The publication that i think i would like to join next year would be yearbook, because i like to take pictures, and i think i have a very creative eye for things and pay attention to detail and try to be as much of a perfectionist as possible and that is a good skill to have for yearbook i think. The aspects that influenced my decision were that well first because it is the yearbook and it would be a big contribution to the class of 2012 for next year and also i think that it would be an opportunity to become more involved in school and attend more events.
 my favorite yearbook spread!!!

Ethics in Fashion Photography

1. List the changes that were made to the model's face in the computer. (Look carefully)
Well they put lots of makeup on her they did her hair and made it look really nice. they put fake eyelashes on her.they made her neck look longer they made her eyes much bigger, her cheekbones more defined, they lowered her eyes, and they made her ears smaller.

2. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like this in a photo? Why or why not?
    Ethically well if the model or person is okay with having their appearance changed and the editor has permission then it is okay and ethical, but if they were to do that to someone without permission and actually put a name under the picture saying that its "name" then that is wrong because it is not really and truly them, its like lying to the public so in a sense it is not ethical but there are some exceptions.
3. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
    Yes there are, like putting a pretty models head on another persons body because they were too fat. or something of that nature. it is wrong to put someones name by something that is not actually them.
4. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?
 changes that are okay could be like changing the brightness and the contrast of the picture, or erasing any blemishes like acne, which would save the embarrassment or the model, changes that arent okay are maybe if they have messed up teeth, fixing them another thing is if they have a wierd or wide nose, replacing it. 
5. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.
  the difference between fashion photography and photojournalism is that in fashion you have the opportunity to change and edit pictures with out any consequences or things that they have to worry about whereas in photo journalism you HAVE to be honest,

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Abandoned Theme Parks

I would like to visit the Nara dreamland in Nara japan well first because it is in japan, and i have never been there, and also because as i can see from the picture it has a really tall rollercoaster which looks fun, and i like rollercoasters it also has a big pink castle which looks really pretty and probably draws peoples attention, it makes me wonder what it is and what is in there which is another reason why i would like to go. This picture was also one of the only ones that showed a big view of the park.

This is a photo of a ride called the screw coaster in Nara dreamland apparently the roller coaster used to sit by a pretty pool of water but obviously the water isnt there anymore and the bottom looks all nasty and molded and stuff !! ewww

3.Haunted Mansions
   abandoned Hotels
   nature! woods ! Forests
   A hidden alley like between two buildings
   THE "ghetto"  like graffiti and stuff like that

4. the projects in the ghetto

I Think that it would be fun to document a place like this because its interesting, it captures the reality of some people, it could also make someone appreciate what they have. This picture shows a poor and bad and trashy way of living, but these people have to live here or live on the streets. If i was here i would expect to see little children and babies and moms and basketballs and people smoking doing drugs throwing dice, fighting , writing on the walls(graffiti.)

 Im pretty sure i could find a place like this in austin. it would take alot of bravery and courage for me to work up the guts to go over there and take pictures of this place and the people out of fear of possibly being shot or something. i dont believe i would be breaking any laws by going over there so that shouldnt be a concern, traveling i could get there by car, and i would need to have a camera and film and stuff but this location is pretty simple

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"My First Print"

1.) Is anything in sharp focus?
         yes the girl reading is in sharp focus compared to everything else in the background which is kind of
a.) Describe what is in focus and what is not.
         the subject of the picture is in focus. which is the girl reading the book whats not in focus is all the  students in the background
b.) If not in focus, state the cause.
         this stuff is not in focus because its not really important in the photo it makes the subject wich is the girl
         stand out more.
2.) Is there good contrast? (Look for the blacks and whites in the photo)?
           not so much i think there could be a little more contrast in the picture
a.) If no, state the probable cause?
        i dont really know why there isnt that much contrast but i would like to know how i could try and make the contrast better
3.) Are all the rules followed? (Is the photo candid? Does the subject fill the frame? Does the photo contain action? Does it follow composition rules? Does it show "academics"?)'
      yes the photo does definitely show academics. , the photo follows the rule of thirds as well it also has some repetition because of the rows of desks, the action contained is of the girl reading , and there are not any distracting mergers
a.) If yes, explain what techniques were used and how you followed them in your photo.
         rule of thirds were used and repetition was used

4.) Is there yellowing or are there spots on the print? 
           there is one little teeny tiny white spot on it
a.) If yes, what caused it/them?
 i have no idea

5.) Are there print rings or spots?
a.) If yes, state the probable cause.
6.) Are your negatives, contact sheet, test strip and print stored in your folder?
       yes they are


Who is in the photo? (For this assignment only, if you don't know, you may make up a name. For the next photo shoot, your subject MUST have the correct name.)
Amy Middleton is her name
What are they doing?
they are reading a book
Where are they?
in english class with mr ashlock
When is this happening?
during eighth period
Why are they doing this?
because they were assigned to
Let's write a caption:

1st sentence

Subject -- action verb (present tense) -- object -- how -- why -- when -- where.
  Amy Middleton is reading a book quietly for an assignment in English class during eighth period

2nd sentence

Subject -- verb (past tense) -- object (describes background [context] of the situation shown in picture.)
Amy Middleton was reading a book called lord of the flies in Mr ash locks eighth period pre AP English class while the other students are looking up at the teacher.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


1. From looking at your negatives, how many of your photos do you think turned out well?
well i like actually about three or four of them, im pretty sure those will turn out well.
2. How many of your photos appear like they will not turn out well? Why do you think these photos did not turn out (Ex: Over/under exposed, not focused, bad composition)?
hmmm well im pretty sure like the other seven or eight didnt come out that good because, a few of them arent really focused and others dont really follow any of the composition rules they kind of just random average pictures that i took.
3. Select the negative image that you think will turn out the best when it is printed. Why do you think this photo will turn out well? i think the image with the white girl in the class in going to turn out the best because it uses reppetion becasue of the desks and it also follows the rule of thirds. Another thing is it goes with the topics really well :)

4. What technical aspects of photography (focus, exposure, composition) do you think are present in your best negative? What evidence can you provide from the appearance of the negative to support your answer?
the photograph i choose has good focus for sure because, nothing is blurry and everything is in focus!!! the compostion is also good it follows the rule of thirds and has repetition which enhances the quality of the photo
5. What advanced composition techniques (Ex: rule of thirds, leading lines) that you have learned in class are present in your favorite negative?, Rule of thirds , and repetition

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Photo Manipulation and Ethics.

A. Summarize the main points of the story in 1-4 sentences.
The main points of the story are to tell the reader how manipulating and altering a photo can have consequences and reprocutions like losing your JOB getting fired, all because you were just trying to make the picture better, the article gives an example of many instances where this has happened starting on the first day in april! april fools seems to be a reoccurring pattern where these photographers are being put out of a job for altering these photographs. The article also explains to the reader how it is a major risk in altering these images because they always must present "Honest images" , so their advice would be not to lie. With programs like photo shop and other things that can manipulate a photo it is hard for readers of a newspaper or something to believe something is a real photo.
B. Explain why you think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable. I think that photo editing is acceptable only in some situations and it is unethical in certain situations, like for example a tabloid, this would be wrong and unethical representation and altering of a photograph because these photographs are not true like they can make someone who is not fat look fat and embarrass them which is not right. instances where it is acceptable is when there is something accidentally is captured in the photograph and you wanna take it out for the picture to look better, or to prove the picture composition.


why? i think this is unethical and unecassary because they are basically making
fun of the womans teeth saying they need to be fixed by altering them to make
them look like something there not i dont believe that is right, that woman was
probably offended by this photograph, and most of all its not HONEST.


this photo is the least unethical because it serves the right purpose, to make the photograph
look better, this photgraph doesnt hurt anyones feelings its not of people its of nature and when
dealing with things that are not people you have much less to worry about when altering a picture
you dont have to worry about offending anyone or getting in trouble really. Also the mountains that were
moved closer together arent really described as an exact location so it doesn't falsify anything.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Making a Black and white print

equipment.: processing trays, an enlarger a repeatable enlarger timer, a paper cutter, a paper safe, enlarging lenses, a safe light and a way to hang up the prints to dry.

 Chemicals needed: there are four main chemicals needed stop bath fixer developer,  you must use these chemicals to eventually develop a contact sheet, you would get these chemicals from your local photography store :) or from you schools darkroom :) hahahhahahah

The process:  The negatives need to be laid out on photo paper and exposed to light, once this is developed you will have your contact sheet the exposed paper should then be placed in developer and left for one minute the you stop it with a stop bath doing this for thirty seconds. then put in fixer for two min. after you must wash print in water for five to ten minutes then you hang the contact sheet to dry the yo make the print pick which one you want to enlarge and put it in the negative carrier
insert into the slot below the light source determine the size and exposure time, the insert photo paper into an easel turn on light and timer and theirs your print

drug cartels in mexico

I think the topic of this article is very interesting. I have seen and learned about many problems with drug cartels in Mexico in my criminal justice classes.  This is a very violent and interesting subject. There are many crimes committed not just with the drugs but murders and torturing. Many people are being murdered and killed everyday leading up to numbers in the thousands therefore the mexican government declared war on the cartels. The man in the article is a photographer and describes how he must be careful while taking pictures he has to take special precautions when he takes pictures of the police officer, he also must  hide his identity and wear a ski mask. The article describes how careful and worried you have to be in Juarez Mexico."Under a blanket in the trunk is a body. Hands tied together. A bullet in the head." this quote stood out the most to me because it triggers kind of an emotional response from the reader. it always captures my interest whenever i see something about a dead body.

After i watch the video

This is my favorite picture in the video, its also the photographers favortite, he says that it tells the story  and
meaning of Juarez. How said and unsafe the town in. What this photograph is a young girl with a single tear rolling down her cheek i agree with his analysis of this photo

Friday, October 29, 2010

Processing black and white photos

1.) List the materials (equipment) necessary to process black and white film
        film cassette, can opener, film reel, tank and tank cover. A fixing tank and a wash tank a film developer , a stop bath, and a fixer with hardener, and a hypo eliminator bath.  
2.) List the chemicals we might be using in the darkroom and where one would buy those chemicals
     kodak rapid fixer is recommended a devoloper additive that yo should have is sodium sulfite
3.) Summarize in one or two paragraphs the process from start to finish
  well, first you must unwind the film, and have that handy. You then must put the film in some container and then turn on a certain light. Now you have to process your film Lay out the chemicals in front of you: a film developer, a stop bath, and a fixer with hardener, and a hypo eliminator bath.   make sure everything is at the right temperature in order to get the best negative possible. Now you must pour developer onto the the film so that you can develop it. leave it in their for the appropriate time. No you must put running water on it so that you can stop development this is known as a stop bath. After this is done you then must fix the film so that you can see you photgraph after you fix the film you must let it sit in cold water for five minutes then you must remove appearance of white stains by using hyper-o eliminater. then you have a final wash, hang the film, and let it dry!
4.) Post a photo of the equipment necessary to process film

4.) Post a photo of the chemicals necessary to process film
1. Contact sheet
A contact print is a photographic image produced from a film, usually a negative, occasionally from a film positive. ...
2. Agitation
The air bubbles that usually occur when dry film is immersed in a solution can be removed without harmful  effects in the pre development water rinse
3. Enlarger
photographic equipment consisting of an optical projector used to enlarge a photograph
4. Developer
The chemical agent used to render photographic images after exposure to light.
5. Stop Bath
Stop bath is a chemical bath usually used in processing traditional black-and-white photographic films, plates, and paper used after the material has finished developing
6. Fixer
  chemical compound that sets or fixes something (as a dye or a photographic image)


Happy Halloween
A pattern of lights forms a giant 275-foot jack-o-lantern on the side of WaMu Center in downtown Seattle.

this picture is a good example of repetition becasue the reapeating lights lead me to the big pumpkin on the page

A man walks through a Tokyo building.
this is a good example of repetition because all the shapes on the ground 
lead up to the businessman

Lisa Simpson appears on television screens on a new Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 after its inaugural passenger flight from Singapore to Sydney, Australia.
 this is a good example of repetition because it leads my eyes to the back of the plane.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Iraq slide shpw

2A i think this is the most powerful image because he is saying his final goodbyes before he goes and starts in the U.S army as you can see the car in the background is there to come and take him away from his family and all that he knows and all that he is used to. He is about to start a completly different life inside of the army!! It is both sad and powerful at the same time.

2B The sequence of all the photographs that are the most powerful are the ones labeled "first assignment" I think that it is the most powerful because the sideshow of the pictures have a mix of sad pictures and how much of a struggle it is but also the good and happy times. When i first saw the title i though it was gonna be a bunch of pictures of fighting and people crying and stuff but i was different.

2C The images work together to tell a story because they are all in chronological order. The pictures show the guy from the beginning of his army life to the end. It shows his emotions from the beginning to the end and it all makes sense because any normal person can probably feel those emotions and relate.

3A The verbs are usually used from his point of view, and are in past tense.
3B. The captions enhance the pictures because they are talking about what is actually happening in the picture. And they also tell you the actual date that they were taken

       Ian rests all alone after a hard days work out in the hot sun.
       Ian playfully points the gun at the ground while everyone else is being serious and holding their gun   correctly.
      Ian is scared, he has gotten in trouble and must hear the wrath of the sargent who is currently yelling at him.

5A The videos show the same thing as the pictures but it is better because the people as well as him are all telling us how they feel about the situation and he his basically acting as a narrator
5B The videos are better than the pictures because now i have a clear interpretation of the pictures and i can better understand what they mean in a sense that what i thought the pics ment could be corrected with watching the videos
5C The picture can act as better than the video because it has captions and if you want a quicker way of reading the story then you can just read the captions and understand whats going on versus a pic with no captions which then leaves you there just to guess

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh no theses guys have been stopped for possession of drugs, Apparently the officer saw them smoking doggyjuana. The dog has finally been identified as the citys most dangerous druglord.
little susies dad was angry when ronald forgot to add ketchup to his daughters hamburger. The concerned father hung ronald, and taught him a lesson.

So this is what black people do in their spare time. They cornrow money into their hair.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


What skills besides photography did Luis Sinco utilize to produce this slideshow?
I would say the the order that he puts the photos in really goes with the story and the audio, i also like how it starts like the transitions and the music. The captions he  used also helped tell the story.
What was the effect (added power or meaning) of the multimedia effects of the sideshow?
Whenever the screen would go black i believe that it made the story deeper and gave every little section a deeper meaning.

A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshow? Why?
i think the most powerful image is when he is on the motorcyle, one might wonder why a motorcycle would have anything to do with the situation but it had alot to do by what the narrator was saying, I also think the picture of his girlfriend sitting there crying was really sad because it told the story of how their relationship was really bad

B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
 I think when he was showing the relationship with his girlfriend and how it was starting to fall apart , i say this because his emotion from the war affected his relationship, He couldnt deal with the stress of the relationship 
C. How does the audio enhance the photographs?
   His words really matched what the pictures were saying it gave all of the photographs a deeper meaning
D. How do the images work together to tell a story?
 They all flow and fit together they told a story in like a time line order

Friday, October 8, 2010

Photo Contest blog

PIEA Photo Contest, grades 9 and under single image. Describe what makes the photo powerful. Mention the content, lighting, composition, and exposure as appropriate.

This photograph is powerful to me because it symbolized a double/fake personality. I can relate to this picture. Because i might have two side, like a plastic side, and a real side, Thats what i get out of this photo. I like the fact thats it is a  close up, and a comparison, the doll and the girl both have blue eyes and light year. This picture is very youthful and kind of tells a story of growing up. The lighting is great, and so is the exposure

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Black and White Photography part 3

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them?
- when first seeing E.J belloqs photos i thought they were really interesting they were all photos of women in strange interesting backgrounds. I later found that he liked to take pictures of prostitutes that why there were some inappropriate  photos in his collection.

2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos. Answer them on your blog.
I see - If i was standing in the picture next to the girl on the left side then i would see money, i would see a nasty woman, she is a prostitute. ewwwww gross.......if i was in the picture to the right then i might see a drunk woman, because i see a bottle of liquor sitting next to her on the table.
I taste- If i was standing in the picture on the right i might taste alcohol or smoke, because in the picture you can see that there is a bottle of alcohol on the table. If i was in the picture to the left, then i might taste
I feel -i feel a feeling of disgust in looking at both of these pictures i dont feel that the subjects are pretty i think that they are just interesting.

I smell- If i was in the picture to the right i might smell the scent of liquor/alcohol , with a mix of smoke, and maybe some cologne/perfume to cover it up! because she might want to try and feel pretty by putting the cologne on. or maybe The cologne of a man would linger on her skin or clothing.
I hear  - i hear swearing, i hear coughing, i hear complaining, these dirty women are sick probably so thats what i hear when i look at this picture, or i hear the words ewwwww, or grosss

3.) Finally, what would you like to create to show the world your great photographer. 
   To show the world that i was  a great photgrapher i would make a big wonderful awesome poster. The poster would have many pictures on it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hurricane Ike

I picked this photo because of the subject mainly i like how the color blue stands out amongst the background. i might say in the use of composition the picture would best illustrate simplicity because the background is simple in the color(gray) and the subject which is the man on the chairs is more complex.
i would say  that the composition of this picture is illustrated mostly with balance because if you divide the picture then there are red chairs on both sides and there is also one of those wooden boxes on each side. I mainly picked the picture because of the subject, a tiger.

E.J. Bellocq Great black and white photography part 2

       John Ernest Joseph Bellocq, was born into a wealthy family in the french quarter of New Orleans. When he first started he was known as an amateur photographer in his community.Bellocq attended the College of the Immaculate Conception and worked at his father's wholesale firm. He became obsessed with photography and  He made a living mostly by taking pictures of landmarks and of ships and machinery for local companies, he also, for fun took pictures of the hidden side of "local life", most famous the prostitutes of story ville.
By 1898, he gained recognition as one of the city's most popular and talented amateur photographers. This was the same year the red light district, Storyville, opened for business as home to legalized prostitution from 1898 until 1917, when the federal government and the Navy shut it down as ‘bad influence’ during WWI..  ellocq was a hideous hydrocephalic who lived lone and acquired a reputation for eccentricity and unfriendliness. He frequented brothels, as if he could identify himself only in such community. Although there were no evidence that he used their services, Bellocq moved freely among the prostitutes and take photographs. Bellocqs photos were known for their estranged beauty.

Ellocq died in 1949, and was buried in Saint Lewis Cemetery in New Orleans.
After his death, most of his negatives and prints were destroyed. However, the Storyville negatives were later found trapped in a sofa. The storyville photos were All portraits of women. Some are nude, some dressed, others posed as if acting a mysterious narrative. After many years, they were purchased by a young photographer, Lee Friedlander. In 1970, he published a selection of the prints he had made from the negatives in the book, Storyville Portraits. These photographs were immediately acclaimed for their unique style beauty. A more extensive collection of Friedlander's prints, entitled Bellocq: Photographs from Storyville, was published in 1996.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pinhole Assignment

  The positive picture is on the opposite side than the negative picture
  The negative picture is a lot darker than the positive picture .
  Every thing that is dark in the negative is light in the positive. 
What happened with my negative?
- my negative turned to a postive!! and like a mirror everything is on the opposite side.


Photography . noting an image in which the brightness values of the subject are reproduced so that the lightest areas are shown as the darkest.
My negative looks different than my positive because the negative that we took did not capture the light in the right spots, so on the positve the chemicals we used made it so that the light showed on the positive.  

Minor Bending on the corners of photo
- this happens as a result of light refraction which is the different directions of the areas of light.